The Sheep Flock

Along with the cattle, sheep manage the grass and make the most of the pasture at Balcaskie. The flock of ewes are crossed with Suffolk, Hampshire Down, Texel and Shetland rams. The lambs graze young grass in the first years and also graze the organic cereals in Spring to help strengthen them.


Ewes lamb from early March until mid May, matching the grass growth through the season.

Soil care and fertility

Some of the grazing is classified as ‘species-rich’ and is protected, so a low-stocking density is essential to maintain condition of these ancient grass leys. Planting herbal grass mixes to increase plant divercity. The phrase 'Golden hoof' claims that the best crops of barley follows sheep grazing.

Cattle and Sheep

Mixed grazing allows grass to be managed at different lengths and improves grassland species diversity. Winter cover crops protect soil, capture water and feed soil biology.